Ryan Duffy

Understanding Child Custody Laws in California
Knowing how child custody laws work in the state of California can be important. If...

Slip-And-Fall-Type Accidents, Explained
Slips and falls are more common than you might think. Each year 3 million people...

Can I Stop Paying Child Support if I Lose My Job?
Losing your job when you have child support to pay can be really scary. You...

What Motorcycle Safety Gear Should I Have?
Riding a motorcycle comes with inherent risks. In 2020 alone, 5,579 motorcyclists died in crashes....

How Failing to Pay Family Support Can Place Someone in Contempt of Court
If you have been ordered to pay family support and you are not doing so,...

Can You Afford an Injury Lawyer? Here’s How Much it Costs
If you have been hurt in an accident, you might be worried about how you...

Is Your Small Business Separate or Community Property?
If you are going through a divorce, you might be wondering if your business is...

What Is Considered A Serious Injury In An Accident?
If you have been harmed in a car accident, you might be wondering what your...