A Brief Explainer of the Litigation Process
Many people are aware that it is possible to go to court due to a personal injury case or some other kind of legal dispute with another party. However, most people do not know anything about how the litigation process works. It can be good to know about the litigation process if you need to use it to get compensation or a settlement after you have been hurt by someone or in an accident.
The first step in the litigation process is always to make sure that you secure a skilled lawyer to support your needs as your case progresses. You can provide your own defense, but this is rarely a good idea. There are many things that need to be taken care of properly in a case that has gone to litigation, and you need to get all the help that you can get to ensure a good outcome for your situation.
How the Litigation Process Works
Now that you know that you need to get a lawyer as the first step, you might be wondering what happens next. These are the main stages of the litigation process:
1. Investigation
This is the part of the process where your lawyer finds out all the information about your accident and collects eyewitness testimony as well as expert witness testimony.
2. Pleadings
Pleadings have to be filed by each party involved in the case. These are the pleadings that will guide how the case progresses, and the pleadings also determine how each lawyer prepares their case.
3. Discovery
This is the point where both sides discover as much as they can about the case. This is the longest phase of the trial, and it requires the most work and the most support. Depositions, eyewitness testimony, and motions all need to be filed during this part of the trial.
4. Pre-Trial
During the pre-trial, the two lawyers meet and try to negotiate for their clients. A settlement might be reached at this stage to avoid a trial.
5. Trial
This is the phase of the case during which the actual trial happens. The verdict is handed down by the judge or a jury.
6. Settlement
The settlement is the outcome of the case. This is a sum of money that is paid out to the winning party by the losing party.
7. Appeal
If either side is unhappy with the outcome of the case, they can appeal the decision. These cases need to be heard in appellate court. The determination might not be what the appealing party might have hoped.

The Litigation Process Is Easier to Navigate With a Skilled Lawyer
If you need to go through with the litigation process, you will need to secure a skilled lawyer for your needs. Working with Jabro Law Group will ensure that you get the right legal support for your litigation needs. Court cases can require high attention to detail as well as lots of considerations that need to be met for the case to be a success. Work with a skilled legal team to make sure that you get the settlement or determination for your case that you have been hoping for.